How to dissolve botox faster?

Botox has repeatedly been proven to be one of the most highly effective ways to eliminate unwanted lines and wrinkles. It has helped thousands look more youthful even in their older years. But did you know that some people seek to reverse the Botox effects?

If used the right way, Botox yields a lot of benefits to people – cosmetically and medically. However, getting treatment from unauthorized, inexperienced providers can be disastrous.

Whether you’re curious to know about Botox reversal or looking for ways to dissolve the injections you already have, this post is for you. We’ll discuss the reasons for wanting to reverse Botox, how to do it, and the risks that come with it.

Reasons Why You’d Want to Reverse Botox

There can be many reasons for wanting to get rid of the Botox you just got. There is this saying, “To each his own,” and for whatever reason you might have, the consolation, at least, is that Botox is not permanent.

Thankfully, the results of a Botox treatment lasts anywhere from 3 to 6 months. You may opt to wait for the Botox to wear off from your system or follow the steps we’ll mention later.

In the meantime, let’s talk about the common reasons why people want to “undo” their Botox:

Botched Botox: Botox is generally safe and effective, given that the brand you use is FDA-approved. A botched Botox comes from inexperienced injectors who offer services outside reputable clinics. That’s why you should always get services from a trusted Medical Spa Center like Eau Claire Body Care.

Unsatisfactory Results: Proper administration of Botox requires an understanding of facial anatomy. Getting treatment from an unskilled injector may inject the toxin too deep, not deep enough, or in the wrong place, leaving you with a “frozen” or unnatural facial expression. 

Complications: The most common reason is having complications like a droopy eyelid, asymmetrical smile, or low eyebrow. Again, technique and experience are needed to administer Botox correctly. These complications arise when you choose providers that are not accredited or licensed.

Recruiting New Muscles: Some people experience recruiting new muscles somewhere on their face to show facial expressions, which become “bunny lines” and “crow’s feet.” 

Ways to Reduce Botox Effects

No matter your reason, be it from a botched Botox injection or just unhappy with the results, you can try to hasten the process of Botox breakdown in your body.

Before that, let’s talk about a Botox reversal.

“Is There a Way to Reverse Botox Effects?”

This is probably the first question an unhappy patient will ask. Unfortunately, there is no reversal treatment for Botox. Unlike dermal fillers that can be reversed by injecting hyaluronidase, there is no procedure to “undo” Botox.

On a lighter note, you should know that even though you may have a bad Botox experience, it won’t last forever, since the treatment is not permanent.

The downside is that you will have to wait until Botox is completely dissolved in your system to get things back the way they were before your procedure.

The wait time to dissolve Botox naturally can be somewhere between three to six months.

Speeding Up the Breakdown Process

That 3 to 6-month time frame might be too long for dissatisfied clients and we totally get why! Although there are no proven methods to eliminate the Botox injections, you can try the following to speed up the process so Botox wear off faster.

Intense exercise or anything that speeds up the body’s metabolism.

HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and hot yoga are good examples of this. Having a faster metabolism can help break down your bad Botox as the body’s natural process is sped up.


There is no actual study on this yet, but some clients who claim to have acupuncture had results lasting 3 to 4 weeks less than clients who don’t.

Zinc-defficient diet.

A few studies show that the Botox toxin doesn’t bind to the receptors properly if you lack zinc in your diet. We don’t usually suggest this, too, because zinc is also a major component that boosts your immune system.

Consider copper supplementation.

A few studies have shown that copper can inhibit the effects of the Botox toxin, although there is no proven record that it can reverse its effects.

Correct with makeup.

This may not apply to every case of bad Botox, but makeup can definitely help if your main concern is facial asymmetry. Using the right contour and highlight techniques can help you make your face look symmetrical.

Corrective treatment.

Apart from the list, another option you can consider is having a corrective treatment under a licensed specialist. This can cost you more, and may not be suitable for all kinds of Botox issues but it is another option you have.

Get professional advice and seek help from the correct practitioner, like Eau Claire Body Care specialists, to minimize the negative impacts of your previous Botox treatment.

Causes of Botched Botox Injections

Before we talk about its causes, let’s first identify what qualifies as a botched Botox. Not all cases of unsatisfactory results can be considered a botched treatment; some may just not be happy, or they might have imagined a different outcome.

Identifying a Botched Botox

As we said, not all unsatisfactory outcomes are considered a botched treatment. Here are a few of what you call botched:

Facial Asymmetry – Noticing asymmetry can be subtle at first – meaning you won’t notice it unless you make certain facial expressions. This could mean your eyebrows sitting at different heights or your mouth moving to one side more than it should.

Excessive Symptoms – While it is normal to experience some swelling or bruising on the treated area after the procedure, excessive symptoms might be an issue.

Muscle Weakness – Injecting too much Botox into areas it is not intended for can lead to muscle weakness. It is a red flag indication if you feel less control over your facial expression or when you exert too much effort in trying to make an expression.

Botox should result in a smooth, natural appearance. If you experience otherwise, as we stated above, then yours might be a case of a botched treatment.

These botched Botox treatments are caused by:

Improper injection placement – many unskilled injectors make the mistake of injecting too deep or too superficial into the skin. Not all people who claim to know Botox injections should be trusted, especially if they don’t have any medical or professional background.

Improper injection technique – only a skilled provider who has experience understands how intricate facial anatomy is. When applied with the wrong technique, the pleasant experience you’re looking for might become a disaster.

Lack of clear communication – poor communication between the provider and client can lead to dissatisfaction with the final result. At Eau Claire Body Care, our specialists take the time to make sure what you want is what you will get. We listen to your goals and create a tailored plan that will fit you and your requirements.

If you want to reap the benefits and wonders of a legitimate Botox treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our specialists and injectors are always ready to answer any questions you have.

Managing Disappointing Results

Here are some more options you can take if you’re unhappy with your Botox results.

Have more patience.

The famous proverb teaches us that patience is a virtue. Since you’ll just have to wait a couple of months before Botox naturally breaks down, you can try this, but if your botched face is too bothersome, might as well check out the other ways.

Get additional Botox.

In cases of asymmetrical problems, getting an additional Botox injection on the other side of the face can balance the issue. Again, this option is not for everyone, so it’s best to connect with a certified specialist to learn about your options.

Get in touch with the right provider.

It’s not too late to set an appointment with a professional injector. Although it can seem pointless because the harm has already been done, you can prevent further damage and Botox issues if you get yourself checked in with the correct clinic.

Prevention – Choosing the Right Provider

Botox is a noninvasive procedure, so it is not recommended that anyone perform or administer it, especially without proper training, experience, and license.

Prevention is key to minimizing the risks that come with unwanted Botox results. It’s best to stay away from the following:

“Botox parties”

It’s becoming more famous now than before that a Botox injector comes as a guest to parties and does the session right there and then.

Unlicensed injectors

You should be alarmed when a random injector offers a “home service.” Botox is a non-invasive procedure, yes – and it can be done in the comfort of your home. However, most legitimate providers are licensed and have been trained to provide the service in or outside their clinics. Beware who you entertain

Providers that don’t specialize in Botox, such as salons.

It can be ironic as it seems but even people in other fields offer Botox just because they know how to use an injection. Remember, Botox specialists are people who are trained to use the product successfully and correctly. This means they understand where to place the Botox on your face and how much to put in them to achieve the desired results.

Prices that seem too good to be true.

Be suspicious if you encounter prices that are half the cost of the usual Botox treatment. When you choose a clinic over unauthorized people, you’re not just paying for the vial of injection. You’re also paying for the injector’s qualifications, experience, and expertise. Most especially, you pay to get your money’s worth, which yields results and not some unexpected outcome.

Eau Claire Body Care is a licensed provider of Botox treatments that helped hundreds, if not thousands, of women achieve a youthful look.

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